Friday, October 15, 2010

Was Lost and Now I'm Found....

It's been a long while since last update and soooo much has changed!  Looking back over posts from earlier this year it seems like I don't even recognize the person that must have previously inhabited this body.

Let's just say I've discovered a few things:

1. Faith works. 
2. Life falls apart, then has a way of coming back together.  Then it becomes clear why it needed to fall apart.
3. The universe is chaotic....yet in the chaos, it manages to produce order.
4. Staying true to yourself is a must to keep sane.
5. When you ask God to give you the wisdom to know when He opens doors for you and which ones you should walk through......WATCH OUT!!!!.   He may start swinging doors open left and right and you find yourself back on the right path!
6. I now know absolute love.......finally.
7. We have paths, even destinies.........sometimes it takes years to circumnavigate that path and find the people and opportunities that one is destined to find.
8. Hope.
9. Perserverance pays off.  Don't give up.
10. I thought I knew what "falling in love" was all about.  I now know what it REALLY means......and is POWERFUL STUFF!!  I mean, who would've known?! 

Most important thing I've discovered.................I LOVE YOU JO!!!  You helped me know how to live...brought me happiness....are an amazing person, soul, lover....and don't believe you will ever really know what I see when I look in your eyes.  Thank you baby.

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