Did have a great career as an operations manager and trainer for a hotel management company for many years up until 2007. I loved that job! That is until they sold their assets and I along with everyone else was laid off (I'm seeing a pattern here!).
Fortunately I decided awhile back that it was time to reinvent myself and look at pursuing a new career. Something I enjoyed yet could specialize in as well. So, have been training as a web-designer and I am really liking this path. There is soooo much more I want to learn, but glad I at least decided to go down this road. Can't fail if you don't try...right!?
Guess I'll take advantage of this down time and get some additional training and classes completed. The alternative is to be a 9 to 5'ver, doing accounting crap for some faceless corporation. Would rather jump in front of a truck than sit in traffic all day on my way to a mind-numbing day of mediocrity!
Have published a couple of websites for a couple of businesses that belong to some associates of mine. The plan is to get a few more out there so to build up a portfolio of sorts. So if anyone out there needs a webdesigner, feel free to get in touch! (I'm definitely available and cheap.) Unless you're Garrett Wang, then I'll do yours for you for free!
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