Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good Morning America's Homophobia

Regarding Good Morning Americas (and ABCs) decision to cancel Adam Lamberts appearance for behavior is another example of the double standard we have to endure on a daily basis in regards to freedom of expression (or lack thereof). It appears ok to invite Janet Jackson with her female dancers performing simulated sex acts. Even better, they welcome Chris Brown, a woman beater, to their little show. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME????!!!!

I suppose we should all be used to the rampant homophobia we have to live with, but come on!

Check out these links:

Feel free to send your opinion to GMA here:
ABC News

Other links:

Facebook-Boycott Good Morning America

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PBS Frontline Documentary "Close To Home"

Anyone affected by our dying economy (and who isn't?) can relate to this amazing documentary I found on PBS. 

"As the U.S. unemployment rate hits a 25-year high and the Dow Jones Industrial Average hits a six-year low, award-winning FRONTLINE producer Ofra Bikel chronicles the recession's impact on one unlikely American neighborhood -- New York's Upper East Side."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Martini Website

Looking for a martini recipe?  Please check out my new martini website.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Kseniya Simonova

You've got to see this!

Kseniya Simonova is a 24 years old Ukranian artist. She uses a giant light box, dramatic music, imagination and "sand painting" skills to interpret Germany's invasion and occupation of Ukraine during WWII. She won Ukraine's Got Talent 2009, watched by over 13 million people.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Eighth Day..........Hazel O'Connor

In the beginning was a world
Man said: Let there be more light
Electric scenes and laser beams
Neon brights to light our boring nights

On the second day he said: Let's have a gas
Hydrogen and CO are of the past
Let's make some germs, we'll poison the worms
Man will never be surpassed

And he said: Behold what I have done
I've made a better world for everyone
Nobody laughs, nobody cries
World without end, forever and ever
Amen, amen, amen

On the third we get green and blue pill pie
On the fourth we send rockets to the sky
On the fifth metal beasts and submarines
On the sixth man prepares his final dream:

In our image, let's make robots for our slaves
Imagine all the time that we can save
Computers, machines, the silicon dream
Seventh he retired from the scene

And he said: Behold what I have done
I've made a better world for everyone
Nobody laughs, nobody cries
World without end, forever and ever
Amen (amen), amen (amen), amen (amen)

On the eighth day machine just got upset
A problem man had not foreseen as yet
No time for flight, a blinding light
Then nothing but a void, forever night

He said: Behold what man has done
There's not a world for anyone
Nobody laughs, nobody cries
World's at an end, everyone has died
Forever amen (amen), amen (amen), amen (amen)

He said: Behold what man has done
There's not a world for anyone
Nobody laughes, nobody cries
World's at an end, everyone has died
Forever amen (amen), amen (amen), amen (amen


Too Many Goodbye's

Disclaimer:  Anyone who hates pity parties should stop reading now.

This time of year always gets me in a "blue" mood.  Partly because the weather here starts getting colder and grayer, and partly because the 12th is the anniversary of the loss of someone very special.  Even though it has been a few years since Richard died, I still feel like the wound is fresh.  Richard (Ric) was my partner, soul mate and friend.  So much of me died with him.

Come to think of it, this time of year also sucks because it's the 2 year anniversary that I lost my dream job.  Losing that was also like the death of a lover.  I suppose in many ways it is because after losing Ric, I threw myself at a career and wrapped myself up in it's comfort and security.  Evidently I'm still mourning that loss also. ( I need to skip Octobers)

My baby girl, Misty, died \earlier this year.  She was my dachshund that was given to me after Ric left.  She was my companion, friend, child, confidant.  Losing her was, and still is, a very hurtful experience.  Just as with Ric, I became the caregiver during the last few months together.  What sucks about this is you tend to become even closer and bonded during this period.  You focus on the small things, the moments and the seconds that are so special.  Sort of a paradox. 

Sometimes I think that our experience here is to learn a lesson.  This existence is sort of like a school for our souls (or something like that).  If that's the case, then the lesson I guess I'm supposed to learn is this........

"You don't know what you've got till it's gone".

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Re-Inventing Myself....

Well, I'm now a bona-fide member of the unemployed! Laid off with a group of other fortunate souls at my work. Actually is sort of a blessing since I really hated that job. (accounting stuff). ugh!!!!
Did have a great career as an operations manager and trainer for a hotel management company for many years up until 2007. I loved that job! That is until they sold their assets and I along with everyone else was laid off (I'm seeing a pattern here!).

Fortunately I decided awhile back that it was time to reinvent myself and look at pursuing a new career. Something I enjoyed yet could specialize in as well. So, have been training as a web-designer and I am really liking this path. There is soooo much more I want to learn, but glad I at least decided to go down this road. Can't fail if you don't try...right!?

Guess I'll take advantage of this down time and get some additional training and classes completed. The alternative is to be a 9 to 5'ver, doing accounting crap for some faceless corporation. Would rather jump in front of a truck than sit in traffic all day on my way to a mind-numbing day of mediocrity!

Have published a couple of websites for a couple of businesses that belong to some associates of mine.  The plan is to get a few more out there so to build up a portfolio of sorts.  So if anyone out there needs a webdesigner, feel free to get in touch! (I'm definitely available and cheap.)  Unless you're Garrett Wang, then I'll do yours for you for free!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dachshund Website

Are you a dachshund lover or thinking about adopting one soon?  Check out my website...........................

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Love Garrett Wang

     Ok world.  I finally confess.  I love Garrett Wang!  I have for years and I'm not ashamed to shout it out to the universe.  Why do I feel this way for Garrett?  Who knows why we fall for someone.  Maybe it's his cuteness.  His personality or character?  His acting abilities?  It might just be his aura!  I don't know......I just know that my heart skips a beat when I see his picture, or even think about him.  Crazy, huh?!

     I remember the first time Garrett came into my life.  It was way back while watching an episode of "All-American Girl".  Remember that sitcom starring Margaret Cho?  (Which, by the way, should have had a longer t.v life than it did).  Anyway, he had me at this point but I didn't see him anywhere after that.  It was a couple of years later that fate intervened and that's when I knew his and my lives were mean't to come together......Star Trek: Voyager.

     Are you kidding me!?  Garrett is Ensign Kim!!!!!  I remember looking forward to the next Star Trek franchise.  (The one with the female captain, the awesome Kate Mulgrew).  Well, to say the least, the next seven years of having the pleasure to see Garrett on a weekly basis was fantastic.  I always liked Star Trek, but now I watched it because HE was there!  Although, there were a couple of lame episodes where he had a girlfriend or something like that.  I eventually forgave him by the next episode.  Besides, Ensign Kim's love interest usually had a tragic end or something similar (thank goodness!).
     I lost track of Garrett for a couple of years until I discovered him on "Star Trek: Of God's and Men".  Wow... love the bad boy character (Commander Garan) in addition to that long hair! 

     So there it is.  I've let the world know about my great love for Garrett.  In fact, now that I think of it, my partner of 4 years resembles Garrett a bit.  I guess I figured if I couldn't have the real thing I would settle for a close copy.

    Although, I know in my heart that there's only ONE Garrett Wang.  So, my friend, I'll be watching for you again and hoping that one day soon, just maybe ...... .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Want To Break Free...


I know i'll forget what i came here for..

My head was so full of things to say,
but as i open my lips all my words slip away..

And anyway, i can't believe you want to turn the page,
and move your life onto another stage..
You can change the chapter you can change the book, but the story remains the same if you'd take a look.

For the times we've had I don't want to be - a page in your diary babe,
For the good, the bad I don't want to see - a page in your diary babe,
For the happy, the sad - I don't want to be another page in your diary.

Perhaps if i held you I could win again..
I could take your hands we'd talk and maybe then -
That look in your eyes I always recognise,
would tell me everything is gonna be fine,

you're gonna be mine
for a long time...

A. Moyet

How To Break Up With Someone (with my comments of course)

How To Break Up With Someone (with my comments of course)

When the time to end the relationship has come, prepare yourself and plan it. Remember, there is always the possibility of inflicting so much pain to a person you used to (or still) care about.

(I need a plan?)

1. Plan when and where you should tell the person of your intention to break up. Do not just call or email the person that you want to break up. That will be horrible and can show disrespect to the person’s feelings.

(I kinda like the email approach!)

2. Be ready with your reason. If somebody is going to break up with me, I at least would like to know why. There is no need to construct a nice movie-line type of reason. It is better to be honest. You have chosen to leave the person; you owe him/her at least the truth. Because once they find out that you just gave excuses, then you might lose respect for each other.

(The truth? saying "You bore the shit out of me!" is OK?

3. Be clear with your intentions. Do not say "I just need some time off" if you really mean permanent goodbye. This will give the person false hopes. If it is absolutely over, then let him/her know. If you don’t, they might try things to win you back, wasting time, effort and emotions.

(Again, email would take care of this.)

4. It is totally unnecessary to make a litany of the things you did not like about your partner, as this may only lead to a heated argument. It is horrible enough that you are calling it quits, but it is even more terrible if you start bringing up mistakes from the past and other unpleasant situations.

(So now what do I do with my lists I've been making for weeks?)

5. Do not make the break up longer than it is supposed to. It might only gear towards more misunderstandings, serious arguing and yes, physical attacks. Consider how hurt the person must be. So, if you feel he/she has to be left alone already then do not linger anymore. It is going to be like torture.

6. And, do not expect your ex-partner to be friends with you immediately. Just because it is okay with you does not mean that it is okay with them. It will take some time before a person, after being broken up with, to be ready for friendship.

(Who wants to be friends? I'm breaking up for christs sake!)

Update 06/08/10:  I posted this awhile ago thinking it was snarky humor.  Recently became the person that got dumped.  This isnt so funny anymore.

They say life is a journey... I just want to know when am I going to get there?!
Lately, most of the time I find myself sprawled out off to the side lying in a ditch.