Saturday, June 19, 2010

Today's Grief Stage.....Pity

I have been naturally going through the cycles of grief, but today's feelings are not of myself, but for you Ardell. I pity the fact that you are missing out on all the little things you are now missing with the girls. The walks, bunny rabbit chasing, toy tug-of-war, and the looks in their eyes when they just seem to say, "You are important to me.".

I also pity that you have isolated yourself from the world, people, and life. I sort of understand since I went through this period of isolation myself. The difference was knowing that you were there beside me (so I thought) and represented a light at the end of the tunnel.

So, yes, I'm still confounded by the whole thing. You're the only one that can answer those questions. Still, I pity that you are so afraid of love, hurt, joy, pain, and all that makes us human.

Will always love you........always have a place for you.......but cannot promise that there may be a day that the place you vacated has been occupied by someone stronger....with a heart. Just like you used to possess.

You're missing out on so much. Again, I don't know what demons have suppressed the Ardell I once knew, but I do hope they find somewhere else to reside.....soon.

Still love you. Can't help that. Ginger and Coco say hi. Still looking for daddie Ardell everyday around 4:45 p.m. That's my hardest time too, for the record.

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